Dingmin Wang

Department of Computer Science,
University of Oxford

Email: dingmin.wang[at]cs.ox.ac.uk
[Bio] [News] [Publication] [Experience][Award] [Service]


I am a final-year DPhil (Ph.D.) candidate at the University of Oxford, fortunately advised by Bernardo Cuenca Grau and Przemysław Andrzej Wałęga. My DPhil studies at Oxford are conducted under the auspices of an EPSRC Studentship. I am also fortunate to be selected as a member of 2020 Oxford Clarendon Scholars. Previously, I worked as a full-time NLP reseacher at Tencent. I obtained my M.Eng. degree from Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University in 2018.

I am broadly interested in natural language processing and deep learning, with a particular focus on developing efficient and explainable artificial intelligence systems.

Publications [Google Scholar Profile]

Work Experiences

Google Research, London, UK
Student Researcher, April. 2024 - July. 2024

Tencent Cloud AI, Shenzhen
Researcher, July. 2018 - Oct. 2020

Tencent AI Lab, Shenzhen
Research Intern, advised by Yan Song, Dec. 2017 - Jun. 2018

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Research Assistant, advised by Kam-Fai Wong and Gabriel Fung, Feb. 2017 - Dec. 2017

Microsoft, Beijing
Software Engineer Intern, advised by Martin Cai, Jun. 2015 - Aug. 2015

Selected Honors & Awards

NeurIPS 2023 Scholar Award, Outstanding Reviewer of ICML 2022
First Prize in Stream Reasoning Hackathon, 2021
EPSRC Studentship, University of Oxford, 2020
Clarendon Scholar, University of Oxford, 2020
Bronze Medal in BAAI-JD Dialogue Challenge, 2019
First Prize Scholarship for Student Professional Practice, Tsinghua University, 2015
Second Prize Scholarship, Tsinghua University, 2014
Outstanding Gradaute Among College Students in Beijing, 2015
Principal Scholarship, Highest Honor for Undergraduates, North China Electric Power University, 2015
China National Scholarship, 2014

Professional Services

ACL Rolling Review
Program Committee Member of AAAI, COMSYS, Instruction@NeurIPS 2023
Program Committee Member of AAAI, ICML, WWW, 2022
Program Committee Member of EMNLP, AAAI, NLPCC, 2021
Invited Reviewer for TKDE 2023
Invited Reviewer for Neurocomputing 2020, 2021
Invited Reviewer for TALLIP 2020, 2021